Angga Menyapa :)

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Rabu, 26 Oktober 2016

ENGLISH POEMS by Angga Kusumadinata

The poems below is my first poems that I sent to massmedia. 
I thank you Ganesha who has published my poems. 


So easy to say, so hard to play  
But no for the king of tactics
You have milion tricks to deceive
Those all you do as your way to win
No matter, how the weakness around you
No matter, how the craziness over you
Only take turn for you, never for them
Only for your satisfy, no for their tears
You play everything only for your desire 
Please aware! it’s not game...
Ciamis, June 16th 2015
(Published on Ganesha Tabloid 168 edition, August II 2015 at K-Zone Page)

You should start your day with power of dream
You walk all day faithly for possibilities
A thousand charges of spirit as your boost
You break a quiet space with your claw and scream
With those, you make a noise like a lion king 
You win every challenge with attempt and struggle
Take part as power man to cover all expectations
Never doubting God in every badness that come
And never blaming your self or other selves
Cause you know the failure is the begining to success
You bring everything with easy hand and easy smile
You trust that all around you will be bright
Cause you know The God always for you
You never walk alone, God convince you...
           Ciamis, June 18th 2015
(Published on Ganesha Tabloid 168 edition, August II 2015 at K-Zone Page)


You come once a year to bring your light
You take us to the pure way
You take us to the calm-ness and happiness
You take us to the peace time
You take us frequently in learning the holy Qur’an

Oh... Great month
We have to miss you
We have to love you all the time
We have to wait you all the year
Oh... great month we all love you
       Ciamis, June 2015
(Published on Ganesha Tabloid 168 edition, August II 2015 at K-Zone Page)

You know deeply the way to make a reason
You know deeply the way to deny with lies 
You know deeply the way to make a poison
You know deeply the way to make you satisfy
Even you can to look perfect with many effect
Even you look so glory with many salutely
Everything you change like a magic with tricks
And almost look so crazy and flagrantly with conspiracy
Never again you touched by the tears around you
Never again you think about morality and charity
Everything you do like nothing cause not hearty
You blame your goodness and honest as a why?
In the end you'll find thousand regret for all you've done
So you know precisely the way to die
              Ciamis, July 03rd 2015
(Published on Ganesha Tabloid 168 edition, August II 2015 at K-Zone Page)

I feel not sure for today
Everything that I take like a fire that’ll burn me
Like never getting the right way
I fell confuse to taking a decision

Oh... God
The only you the sources of solutions
Oh… God
please help me
I’m drown in circle of problems
Oh.. God
I don’t wanna blind with this situation..

 Ciamis, July 11th 2015
(Published on Ganesha Tabloid 168 edition, August II 2015 at K-Zone Page)

This is my worst
Every act is the worst
Every talk is the worst
Every step is the worst
Every change is the worst
All about me is the worst

What I have to do to change the worst?

Don’t feel it is the worst
Don’t change to the worst
Don’t step to the worst
Don’t talk to the worst
Don’t act to the worst
This is not worst

                   Ciamis, December 20th 2015
(Published on Ganesha Tabloid 190 edition, January IV 2016 @ Bengkel Menulis Page)

Mr. & Mrs. FRAUD

Do you think the wolrd is yours?
Do you think this world won’t end?
Do you think you’re free on all you wish?
Do you think everything is a game for you?
Do you think everyone is stones or fools?
No. You’re wrong!
You use all of you for something worst
A milion tricks and lies always on your mind as your tools
You always cut your tongue
You change the lowest to the highest
You’re very happy on your successful by deceived peoples
You feel win
But it’s not
When you feel win, the truth is your lost 
The worst of you is
you always feel fun on all  about the worst of you
not your win, but your lost
not your smart, but your fools
not your game or tricks,
but you’ve been playing by game and tricks
Did you remember the End?

    Ciamis, December 20th 2015

(Published on Ganesha Tabloid 190 edition, January IV 2016 @ Bengkel Menulis Page)


You know deeply the way to make a reason
You know deeply the way to look perfect  
And you know exactly the men’s weakness
Satisfaction as your focus in glory life
You play many tricks in live and love
You’ve made everyone as your worshiper
Beatiful and sweet lies as your tool
So every eyes are wonder you
Those all as a game for you
And you feel happy when you win
But, what kind of?
A thousand lies as the way of all?
Did you remember your begining?
Please, you should not again to play a vile game!

                      Ciamis, August 24th 2015
(Published on Ganesha Tabloid 190 edition, January IV 2016 @ Bengkel Menulis Page)

Your shiny face,
spreaded peace on my heart
Your sweet smiled,
made me feel empowered
Your soft sound of your well spoken
and pure attitude such a great morality

Oh... beautiful girl
I never see you again
That last time,
the first and the last we meet
Oh... what a pity
                 Ciamis, January 22nd 2016
(Published on Ganesha Tabloid 190 edition, January IV 2016 @ Bengkel Menulis Page)

Like no words that I have to say today
Swallowing the sad everyday
it’s only hurt me deeply
standing here with out love, feel empty
O’ God no! It’s not my point
Wehere’s the love that I can lay
No someone look at me,
I should blind my eyes
Looking around my face,
I hate you all about
I mad totally with anything
amucking every words
this is not mine. Really!
It’s not mine...

            Everywhere,  August 09th 2016
(Published on Ganesha Tabloid 190 edition, January IV 2016 @ Bengkel Menulis Page) 

I thank you for reading my poems :)

Source: Buku Antologi Puisi 'NEKROPOLIS', Angga Kusumadinata. 

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